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Imitants of contamination (Fact Shield)

Imitants of contamination are solutions that can be used for training of work with dangerous substances, for training of safety work procedures and finally for training of decontamination procedures. They are also used during training of handling of toxic substances at special workplaces, during work with the open radioactive sources (nuclear medicine, laboratories) and for training specialists from Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic. Imitating agents can be also used for the checking of washing processes such as in clean-up and tidying-up. Imitating agents are available as aerosol sprayers or in canisters (for spraying with own apparatus).

Important properties of imitants:

  • Good adhesion to surfaces,
  • Invisibility (colourless solution),
  • Insignificant effect on human health and environment,
  • Easily made visible, e.g. using of developing agent.

On request, an imitant with radioactive isotope, called Radim, can be prepared, but it is not commonly produced. Its use must be prepared according to the regulation of State Office for Nuclear Safety of Czech Republic (or other regulatory body in another country).

Imitants were developed within a project of research and development “Decontamination methods, means and agents”.

Decontaminating disactivating foam PD – 1c

This is a preparation for decontamination of surfaces contaminated by radioactive substances. It is suitable for research institutions, uranium industry etc. The effect is provided by a combination of surfactants and agents making resorption of heavy ions easier. The preparation is applied by a suitable generator of foams. The foam has a lot of advantages:

  • High foam expansion – 1 litre of the preparation gives more than 10 litres of foam,
  • High work efficiency – due to the foam expansion the consumption of the agent is about tenfold lower compared to using a solution,
  • The foam is an active system. The bubbles continually change their configuration (size, shape), thus mechanically affect the surface and wash it.
  • The foam can be used also for decontamination of vertical surfaces (ceilings, walls) or complicated shapes that cannot be cleaned-up by alternative methods (e.g. by swab or brush).

The preparation is supplied in cooperation with MPD plus s.r.o., Rakovník, Czech Republic.

Decontaminating liquid soap Neodekont

Neodekont is designed to wash skin, working places and tools contaminated by radionuclides. Due to its very good emulgation properties to oily substances it can be used also for surfaces contaminated by e.g. rest of vaseline. The efficiency was tested at Nuclear Research Institute Řež plc and then among others at VF, a.s. Černá Hora company during investigation of the project “Decontamination methods, means and agents”.

The preparation is supplied in cooperation with MPD plus s.r.o., Rakovník.

Hvězda mixture: for disinfection use

The Hvězda mixture provides not only the decontaminating effect described in the following text, but also a very strong disinfection effect. This effect was demonstrated during the tests realised at accredited laboratory Chemila spol.s.r.o. Hodonín (laboratory no. 1273 accredited by Czech Accreditation Institute). Moreover, tests performed at the State Veterinary Institute in Prague showed that the mixture is able to destruct even the spores of Bacillus anthracis, simply called anthrax. The mixture fulfils common requirements on the disinfection preparations (degradability etc.) and is distributed for common disinfection use as well, e.g. at food industry or hospitals.

Hvězda mixture: for decontamination use

The Hvězda mixture was developed as an universal agent. One of its many possible uses is to decontaminate the surfaces of military and fire-fighting machinery (e.g. in case of a terrorist attack) or the human skin affected by chemical warfare agents. The decontamination efficiency was tested at the Department of Toxicology of Military Health Sciences Faculty of University of Defence in Hradec Králové and at Population Protection Institute in Lázně Bohdaneč (part of Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of Fire Rescue Service of Czech Republic).

The Hvězda mixture was developed in cooperation with the company VF, a.s. Černá Hora during the project “Decontamination methods, means and agents”. The mixture is supplied in cooperation with MPD plus s.r.o., Rakovník.

Polyvalent disinfectant with antiparasitic effect

The preparations for veterinary use, which are able to destruct germs of farm animal parasites in their breeding areas, were developed and tested during the project “ Research of polyvalent agent with sporicidal, antiparazital and fungicidal effect ”. The efficiency of these preparations was tested at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice, Slovak Republic. Nowadays the distribution of these preparations in the Czech Republic and in the Slovak Republic is being set up in cooperation with the companies MPD plus s.r.o., Rakovník and ChemProtect.SK s.r.o.


The surfactant preparation Dekorol was developed for the perfect and ecologically acceptable clean-up of the oil slicks on roads, in building constructions and similar surfaces. The preparation is applied in the foam form, then follows emulsification and finally the foam is sucked off by a wet vacuum-cleaner. The low consumption of the surfactant preparation and the slow flow of the emulgate (that is well sucked by vacuum-cleaner at the end) lead to minimising of the emulgate leakage into the environment. This make the foam really advantages. The integral part of the technology is a recommended method for the emulgate disposal.

The technology is used in clean-up of the oil-contaminated areas in factory buildings and generally during production and handling oily products and similar substances.

The preparation was developed as an outcome of the project Oil substances liquidation after solid surfaces contamination by means of foams and is supplied in cooperation with MPD plus s.r.o., Rakovník.

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