.:Place of business:.
Cukrovarnická 1071/62, 162 00 Prague 6
VF, a.s. Černá Hora: New systems of NPL detection in special-interest area - development of monitoring system based on ensymsensors with cholinesterases, 2006-2008. This project of research and development was supported by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic no. 2A-1TP1/007 and we prepared, co-provided and coordinated it for the investigator VF, a.s. Černá Hora together with a research institution – the Department of Toxicology of Faculty of Military Health Sciences of University of Defence in Hradec Králové.
VF, a.s. Černá Hora: Development of the methods based on the biosensor technology application aimed for the detection of some mycotoxins, 2006-2008 . This project of research and development was supported by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic no. 2A-1TP1/009 and we prepared, co-provided and coordinated it for the investigator VF, a.s. Černá Hora together with a research institution – the Department of Toxicology of Faculty of Military Health Sciences of University of Defence in Hradec Králové.
Vakos XT, a.s.: Auto-injector prevention of nerve agent exposure, 2005-2007 . This project of research and development was supported by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic no. FI-IM2/104 and we prepared and co-provided it for the investigator Vakos XT, a.s.
Jihotvar v.d. Veselí nad Lužnicí: Design of a technology for processing of fine inorganic waste materials into mixtures, semi-products and products usable in building industry, 2004-2006. This project of research and development was supported by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic no. FI-IM3/071 and we administratively worked it up for the investigator Jihotvar v.d. Veselí nad Lužnicí.
Alldeco.cz, a.s. + Chemcomex Praha, a.s.: Low temperature technology for solidification of contaminated sludge, based on the aluminosilicate matrix exploitation, 2004-2006. This project of research and development was supported by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic no. FI-IM/113 and we administratively worked it up for the investigators Alldeco.CZ, a.s. and Chemcomex Praha, a.s.
Multi-purpose decontamination agent for the warfare super-toxic agent decontamination and for disinfection of biological species of high biohazard, including its applicator. This research and development project is being investigated together with the company Vakos XT, a.s. since 2009. The aim of the project is a modification of the earlier developed mixtures (e.g. Hvězda) in such way enabling their filling and long-term storage into the small portable applicators. This project is financially supported by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic no. FR-TI1/540.
Development and verification of technology for decontamination of natural-radionuclides-contaminated metallic materials, 2007-2009 . This project of research and development was supported by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic no. 2A-2TP1/112 and we prepared, provided and technically participated in it. The aim of the project was seeking, modifying and, in semiindustrials scale, verification of the technology for the decontamination of the contaminated scrap iron peaces released from uranium mining industry. The technology enabling purifying more than 80% of an iron scrap according to the valid Atomic Act (no. 18/1997 Coll.), together with well-tried technological procedures and processing costing are the outcomes of this project. The governmental enterprise DIAMO – the division GEAM Dolní Rožínka was the co-investigator of this project providing background and the radioactively contaminated material intended for scrapping. The company Alldeco.CZ (now AMEC Nuclear CR a.s.) was another co-investigator of this project.
Research of polyvalent agent with sporicidal, antiparazital and fungicidal effect, 2006-2008. This project of research and development was supported by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic no. FI-IM3/199 and we prepared and co-provided it up for the main investigator MPD plus s.r.o., Rakovník. Our professional staff of laboratories in Hradec Králové city was fully engaged in the scientific part of the project. Widely effecting disinfection agents that are able to destruct germs of farm animal parasites are the outcome of this project. These preparations are suitable e.g. for disinfection of the stables etc. The distribution is being prepared.
Oil substances liquidation after solid surfaces contamination by means of foams, 2006-2007. This project of research and development was supported by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic no. FT-TA3/157 and we co-investigated it with Mendel University in Brno. The technology for clean-up of the oil slicks on roads, in building constructions and similar surfaces using foam forming preparation DEKOROL is the outcome of this project. The proposal of a method for destruction of the incurred emulgate is the part of the technology. The preparation is supplied by MPD plus s.r.o., Rakovník.
Development of stripable films for protection of equipment and means at army and rescue troops, 2006-2007. This project of research and development was supported by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic no. 2A-1TP1/096. The aim of this project was development of the mixtures that could be painted or applied in the other way on surfaces as the usual colours and consequently these mixtures dry up and make a protective film. The film can be peeled off or washed with water. The protective effect of films was demonstrated even against typical chemical warfare agents. Films can be prepared in required colour shades (important for military use). The films are painted by common instruments or sprayed by high-pressure guns. The time of drying up is several hours.
Safety protection of the preferential importance property - precautions leading to minimization of possible misuse of chemical, biological, radioactive, nuclear and explosive agents (CBRNE) for terrorist purposes within the Ostrava Mošnov airport, 2006-2008 . This project of research and development was supported by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic no. 2A-1TP1/008. We administratively prepared it for VF, a.s. Černá Hora and provided coordination with the scientific partner - the Department of Toxicology of Faculty of Military Health Sciences of University of Defence in Hradec Králové.
Decontamination methods, means and agents, 2003-2005. This project of research and development was supported by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic no. FF-P2/115 and we prepared, provided it for our partner VF, a.s. Černá Hora and technically participated in it. The so called imitants of contamination and decontamination agent Hvězda (Star) were the outcomes of the project.
Specialized centre for evaluation, using and disposal of dangerous waste contaminated by radionuclides (NOKR centre), since 2000 . This project of research and development was supported by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic no. FB-C3/04/00. We prepared and coordinated it for the main investigator – the Research Institute of Iron Metallurgy and wider conglomerate of institutions and we partly technically participated in it.
EUROMETEX s.r.o.: In 2007, we provided them a licence of the State Office for Nuclear Safety of Czech Republic for import and distribution of an apparatuses with inbuilt sealed radioactive source (90Sr).
Project Spolana – Dioxiny, 2006 - 2007: We participated in sanitation of the chemically contaminated buildings and we provided logistics of the decontaminated metals together with other subjects. Among all, we realised a preventive checking of radioactive materioals occurrence.
Nuclear Power Plant Temelín: In 2000-2005 we provided a special launderette of contaminated working clothes there. This activity was realised in cooperation with VF, a.s. Černá Hora. We continually performed development activities for improvement of the decontamination efficiency of the washing process.
The Visegrad 4 Countries: In 2003 we initiated and arranged an international conference of appropriate bodies of the Visegrad 4 Countries about the common protection of the borders against illegal transport of radioactive materials. This conference was financially supported from the International Visegrad Fund.
Transgas (member of the RWE today): In 2002, we realised for them a tightness measurement of a gas reservoir in Tvrdonice nearby Hodonín town by isotope marked methane.
The airport Praha – Ruzyně, 1997-1998: We supplied and installed the S.E.A.GmbH detection systems for check-up and searching of illegally transported radioactive material.
Incinerator In Praha Malešice, 1997: Technical and coordinating ensuring of the radioactive materials capture in the processed waste. Supplying of the S.E.A.GmbH detection systems.
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